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Statements and Releases



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LSSNCA Applauds Judge Sabraw's Prohibiting Family Separation at the Border

Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA) believes families belong together. We applaud today’s decision by Judge Dana Sabraw to prohibit separating families at the border, underscoring the values of human dignity and the right to safety which must underpin our asylum system. With immigration debates underway, it is imperative for parties on both sides of the aisle to center families and the dignity of all humans, as they work toward solutions, rather than continuing divisive political rhetoric which does nothing to change what all sides agree is a broken immigration system. Separating children from their parents, and denying safety to the most vulnerable, is not only harmful, but also goes against core American values. Let this decision by Judge Sabraw, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, allow us to begin the work in redesigning a humane immigration system.