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LSSNCA Statement on Yesterday and Today's Immigration Policy and Initiative Announcements

Yesterday and today’s immigration policy and initiative announcements from the Biden Administration reveal just how broken our immigration system is -- with policies that both represent our nation’s legacy and moral obligation to welcome those fleeing persecution and those that raise concerns about due process and treating people with dignity. Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA) affirms the inherent dignity of all who migrate. We know people do not leave their homes unless the fear of staying outweighs the fear of uncertainty and danger of the journey.  

We are grateful for the Administration’s recognition of the timely and consequential importance of redesignating and extending Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Afghanistan and Venezuela and addressing the Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) logjam to ease transition into employment, without which hundreds of thousands in already precarious situations would face even more uncertainty and vulnerability. We also appreciate the investment in local communities to welcome migrants with the distribution of the Shelter and Services Program (SSP) and the Emergency Food and Shelter Program – Humanitarian Awards. 

However, these policies were accompanied by announcements that overshadow our commitment to a humane and dignified approach to those seeking safety in the United States, to include: 

  • The nationwide expansion of the newly established Family Expedited Removal Management (FERM) program, which raises serious due process concerns. As an organization that serves asylum-seekers, we have already started seeing the impact, as one family we worked with was put into removal proceedings within four days of their arrival, which is making a mockery of the complex process of articulating an asylum claim.  
  • Increased number of detentions and holding centers. 
  • Increased deployment of personnel to the border. 

“Amidst the ever-changing migration landscape, it is crucial for us to unite and adapt together,” said Kristyn Peck, LSSNCA CEO. “Striving for a shared goal – to create a humane refuge for those seeking safety, we call on the Administration and Congress to collaborate in navigating the challenges and create real, humane, and dignified immigration reform.” 

While we recognize and echo the need for a safe border and the enforcement of immigration laws, we urge the Administration and Congress to continue taking the steps needed to prioritize the safety and well-being of vulnerable families over party lines, to prioritize policies that keep families together, protect vulnerable individuals, uphold the international and domestic immigration laws, and most importantly, continue the United States' tradition of offering refuge to those fleeing danger.