In the wake of the end of Title 42, new iterations of restrictive immigration policies and proposals have been introduced by Congress and the Administration. Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA) urges Members of Congress to oppose S.1473, introduced by Senators Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) and Thom Tillis (R-NC), as well as the House companion bill H.R. 3234. This bill in effect would continue Title 42 and harm families and children seeking safety in the U.S. as well as imposing detention and expulsion without a fair process or adequate protections.
“LSSNCA supports and advocates for safe, humane policies that prioritize keeping families together and protecting children while allowing those seeking safety to apply for their legal and human right of asylum,” said LSSNCA CEO Kristyn Peck. “This bill strips families of that right. We are gravely concerned that this bill would subject the most vulnerable of migrants seeking protection – children traveling alone – to expulsion or detention without access to due process.” She continued, “expelling children and families to Mexico, back into harm’s way, and placing them in dangerous detention settings will not curb migration, but rather force children and families to seek more dangerous routes to reach safety in the United States.”
This bill does not fall in line with our country’s legacy and ability to welcome with compassion and dignity. Rather than embracing those in their time of need, it closes the door to safety and protection when it’s needed most. LSSNCA urges Congress to not support this bill, and for our communities to speak out against it.