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Refugee and Immigrant Services

Welcome Ukrainians

Since February 2022, more than 14 million people have been displaced – “the fastest, largest displacement witnessed in decades,” according to the UN Refugee Agency. Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA) has welcomed more than 215 Ukrainian women, children, and seniors arriving in Maryland and Virginia.

We're creating pathways to support Ukrainians - whether they are seeking asylum, reunifying through the Lautenberg program, or arriving with humanitarian parole and sponsored directly by neighbors like you. We’re here to provide our experience, network, and services, and your donation will help us provide this direct assistance to Ukrainians.

The Biden Administration extended humanitarian parole and temporary protected status (TPS) to Ukrainians, which allows up to a two-year temporary stay in the U.S. The May 2022 Ukraine Supplemental passed by Congress made Ukrainians with humanitarian parole eligible for some Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) benefits such as Medicaid, food assistance (SNAP) or temporary emergency funding (TANF).

Ukrainians who arrive to the United States through the U.S. government's Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) program are sponsored by a private citizen. Sponsors commit to covering their bills - that will not be offset by government support - for two years. However, it may take several months for someone to receive employment authorization to work in the U.S. and navigating application systems for employment and Medicaid can be difficult.

LSSNCA provides Ukrainians and their sponsors with basic welcome services.

МИ ДОПОМАГАЄМО З (Усі послуги безкоштовні!): 

  • SSN, дозвіл на роботу
  • Medicaid (медичне страхування)
  • Державні допомоги: фуд стемпи, грошова допомога, SSI (людям пенсійного віку та інвалідам), WIC (дітям до 5 років та вагітним), допомога на оплату дитсадка
  • Тест на туберкульоз
  • Курси англійської мови
  • Влаштування дітей до школи
  • Працевлаштування
  • Культурна орієнтація
  • Доступ до інших місцевих ресурсів
  • Допомога в екстренних ситуаціях
  • І більше!

If you have questions about offering relief to Ukrainians or would like to make an appointment, email us.