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Statements and Releases

LSSNCA Urges Administration to Restart Refugee Resettlement Assistance

Washington, D.C. - Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA) is gravely concerned by the directive it received from the administration Friday to immediately halt Department of State funded services to refugees recently resettled in the United States.   

The stop work order abruptly ends critical wraparound support LSSNCA had planned to provide refugees who arrived with legal status as recently as two weeks ago.  

“This news puts the lives of nearly 400 new neighbors LSSNCA has welcomed in our community since the end of October in harm's way,” said Kristyn Peck, LSSNCA CEO. “They are rebuilding their lives after fleeing unimaginable life-threatening situations. Each one of them is now at risk of homelessness and food insecurity. We implore the administration to rescind this order. We must keep our promise to support the transition for recently resettled refugees, including Afghan allies.” 

This unprecedented action impacts thousands of families and individuals nationally who have fled persecution and entered the United States through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). It also includes Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders who risked their lives aiding U.S. military and diplomatic missions. Denying refugees access to essential support, including housing, food, and employment opportunities, abandons them when they are most vulnerable and without the resources to thrive in our communities. It is a betrayal of our nation’s core value of welcoming and providing safety to families and individuals fleeing violence and persecution. This value is enshrined in our legal obligations and deeply rooted across faith traditions. The call to welcome the stranger is found throughout sacred scriptures, summoning the believer to act with kindness and mercy to the stranger.    

LSSNCA urges the administration to reverse this harmful decision. The State Department funded services support newcomers in becoming self-sufficient and integrating into our communities. LSSNCA remains steadfast in advancing solutions that uphold the inherent dignity of all humans.