Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA) welcomes the Biden Administration’s recent extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ukraine and Sudan. This move highlights the ongoing commitment to communities in need of protection, providing them with a sense of stability without fear of deportation, and allowing them the opportunity to continue contributing positively to the economy and their local communities.
While we are grateful for the recent extensions, our journey towards inclusivity and compassion doesn't end here. TPS offers a lifeline to those who were previously living in limbo, unable to return to their home countries due to ongoing conflicts, natural disasters, or other extreme circumstances. It prevents the separation of families and ensures that individuals can access healthcare, education, and other essential services. This is why we continue calling for TPS extension for countries such as Afghanistan, Mauritania, Mali, and others in need. With this, we can ensure that more individuals find solace and protection within our borders. Together, let's continue advocating for a more inclusive and welcoming society.